Release Notes

Babel Obfuscator 9.7.6 Release Notes

Babel Obfuscator Enhancements Added FamilyAndAssembly, FamilyORAssembly access to XML rules.Improved string encryption HASH algorithm.Babel can run on Windows OS with FIPS compatibility enabled.Added MergeAction and RedirectTo properties to merge...

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Babel Obfuscator 9.7.5 Release Notes

Babel Obfuscator Fixes Fix: Fix deobfuscate stack trace for a method with modreq and modopt parameters.Fix: Fix crash during obfuscation of assemblies targeting multiple frameworks.Fix: The Obfuscation attributes are stripped if merge is enabled. Babel...

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Babel Obfuscator Release Notes

Babel Obfuscator Enhancements Added support for PDB debug files including Sourcelink information. Improved obfuscation reliability of assemblies written using the Visual Basic language. Improved anti-debugging feature for .NET Core and .NET 5 assemblies. Fixes...

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Babel Obfuscator Release Notes

Babel Obfuscator Enhancements New UI Added contextual help information Performance improvements for Renaming and Emit phases Fixes Fix: .NET Core 1.x not supported resource encryption warning Fix: .NET Core 2.2 System.Collections assembly retarget to wrong...

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Babel Obfuscator Has Been Released

Dear all, Today we are proud to announce that Babel Obfuscator has been released.In this new version, we have added support for the obfuscation of .NET 5.0 assemblies. All the NuGet packages are now fully compatible with .NET 5.0 SDK. This will allow running...

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Babel Obfuscator Release Notes

Babel Obfuscator Enhancements New: Added support for .NET 5.0 assemblies. New: NuGet package tools can now run on .NET 5.0 SDK. New: More UI theme customizations. The Obfuscation attribute now supports 'include methods' and 'exclude methods' selectors and case...

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